Saturday, August 30

LeeCarvelArt Web Site Completed!

The central web site for Lee Carvel's Art is finally complete. Although we had earlier announced that the web site was done, it turns out that there were a number of areas that needed further polishing and problems to be resolved (such as the Search function wasn't working for a while). Well... all that is fixed now and the About Lee Carvel section has been expanded with nice pictures and newspaper articles, eulogy, tributes, and more in honor of Dad. Please check it all out and enjoy his wonderful artwork. One disclaimer: right now unfortunately the Art Stores are not fully operational yet. I still have to process the many high resolution digital images that will enable the Print on Demand function to work. Those need to be uploaded and created into products. So please don't be disappointed when you click on the Order Art Online button. You can reach the art stores but there is little to no inventory yet.... But I'm working on it as fast as I can! Note that the ebay-based Art Collectibles store is operational and was the first of my websites to be created (although I am polishing it and you will see more benefits there).